Rhetoric and Logic Charm - Badali Jewelry - Charm
Rhetoric and Logic Charm - Badali Jewelry - Charm
Rhetoric and Logic Charm - Badali Jewelry - Charm
Rhetoric and Logic Charm - Badali Jewelry - Charm
Rhetoric and Logic Charm - Badali Jewelry - Charm

Ntughari na Uche

Ịgachi price $37.00

Rhetoric na Logic, akwụkwọ Kvothe onye nkụzi mbụ Abenthy nyere ya dị ka onyinye nkewa, kụziere Kvothe na esemokwu arụmụka ma kwụọ ụgwọ maka njem ya na Mahadum mgbe etinyere ya na Tarbean. Site n'ike mmụọ nsọ nke Kingkiller Ihe E Mere usoro site Patrick Rothfuss.

Details: Akwụkwọ Kingkiller Chronicle amara bụ ọlaọcha siri ike ma tụọ 12.8 mm ogologo, 10.5 mm na ebe kachasị, yana 1.9 mm. The amara bụ atọ akụkụ na okokụre niile n'akụkụ. Ihe omuma na ihe omuma bu ihe ruru gram 2.4. Gụnyere ọlaọcha magburu onwe ya, nke a na-agaghị ere ere. Akwukwo akwukwo nke akwukwo a na akara ya na ndi nwebisiinka.

packagingIhe a na-abịa na obere satin ọla na kaadi nke ezigbo.

ProductionAnyị bụ ụlọ ọrụ emere maka iwu. Iwu gị ga-ebufe na ụbọchị azụmahịa 5 ruo 10 ma ọ bụrụ na ihe ahụ adịghị na ngwaahịa.

Jide n'aka na ịlele ngwa ngwa anyị maka mgbakwunye maka amara gị: PỊA EBE A

Kingkiller Chronicle "," Aha nke Ifufe "," Onye maara Ihe Na-atụ Egwu "," Abenthy "," Kvothe "," Rhetoric & Logic ", na" Tarbean ", bụ ụghalaahia nke Patrick Rothfuss c / o Sanford J. Greenburger Associates. Ikike niile echekwabara.

Ị nwere ike na-amasị